Hungarian official commerce from 70's:

Mr. Putin, President of Russia, and his Zaporoshetz:

And the special gift: just cut out, glue, and enjoy your paper-modell Zaproshezt (pls Click in the pictures) :
ZAZ 986 A -The old type:

ZAZ 968 M, the new type:

And more 3 exclusive photo from my collection, from the official service manual:

(C) Budapest, 1979

If the right air throttle closed, stay with wood picket.
Technical parameters:
Hossz / Lenght : 3730 mm
Szélesség / Width : 1535 mm
Magasság / Height : 1370 mm
Tengelytávolság / Distancle of axles: 2160 mm
Saját tömeg / Weight : 780 kg
Együttes tömeg / Max weight : 1080 kg
Legnagyobb sebesség / Max speed : 118 km/h
Motor/ Engine : V4, 1196 cm3, 40 LE / HP Léghűtéses / Air cooled
Hegymászóképesség / Max climbing rate: 17 fok / degree
Üzemanyagtartály / Fuel tank capacity : 30 l
Áltagos fogyasztás / Average fuel drain : 10 l / 100 km
Fűtőberendezés hőteljesítménye/ Capacity of heather system: 1750 kcal/h
Levegőmennyiség / Air capacity : 75 m3/h
Fogyasztás / Fuel drain : 0,3-0,4 l/h
The beautyful low-price car of communism.The popular name in Hungary: The revenge of Lenin
Made by the today in Ukraine car factory.
Small but very comfortable little car, with real bonel-spiral in the seat and real noisy engine. Somewhere the body made by 3 mm thickness steel sheet, real armour effect.
The full thermal capacity of the heather system (engine-free, separated fuel stove) is 70 celsius difference in the inner and outer temperature. Example: -40 celsius out ( in Russia is common) , + 25-30 celsius inside.
Very lovely car.
Today one museum quality old (veretan) car price is circa the half of one brand new medium Honda car.
Personal attitude: the first car of my Dady
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