Safety Instructions

Safety Instructions

2009. november 30., hétfő

For The Hope

Csokonai Vitéz Mihály: A reményhez

Főldiekkel játszó
Égi tűnemény,
Istenségnek látszó
Csalfa, vak Remény!
Kit teremt magának
A boldogtalan,
S mint védangyalának,
Bókol úntalan.
Síma száddal mit kecsegtetsz?
Mért nevetsz felém?
Kétes kedvet mért csepegtetsz
Még most is belém?
Csak maradj magadnak!
Biztatóm valál;
Hittem szép szavadnak:
Mégis megcsalál.

Kertem nárcisokkal
Végig űltetéd;
Csörgő patakokkal
Fáim éltetéd;
Rám ezer virággal
Szórtad a tavaszt
S égi boldogsággal
Fűszerezted azt.
Gondolatim minden reggel,
Mint a fürge méh,
Repkedtek a friss meleggel
Rózsáim felé.
Egy híjját esmértem
Örömimnek még:
Lilla szívét kértem;
S megadá az ég.

Jaj, de friss rózsáim
Forrásim, zőld fáim
Tavaszom, vígságom
Téli búra vált;
Régi jó világom
Méltatlanra szállt.
Óh! csak Lillát hagytad volna
Csak magát nekem:
Most panaszra nem hajolna
Gyászos énekem.
Karja közt a búkat
S a gyöngykoszorúkat
Nem irígyleném.

Hagyj el, óh Reménység!
Hagyj el engemet;
Mert ez a keménység
Úgyis eltemet.
Érzem: e kétségbe
Volt erőm elhágy,
Fáradt lelkem égbe,
Testem főldbe vágy.
Nékem már a rét hímetlen,
A mező kisűlt,
A zengő liget kietlen,
A nap éjre dűlt.
Bájoló lágy trillák!
Tarka képzetek!
Kedv! Remények! Lillák!
Isten véletek!

Sorry, no english translation

2009. november 29., vasárnap

Wellcome Advent, Wellocome My Lord!

Láttam Uram, a hegyeidet
S olyan kicsike vagyok én.
Szeretnék nagy lenni, hozzád hasonló,
Hogy küszöbödre ülhessek. Uram.
Odatenném a szivemet,
De apró szivem hogy tetszene néked?
Roppant hegyeid dobogásában
Elvész ő gyönge dadogása
S ágyam alatt hál meg a bánat:
Mért nem tudom hát sokkal szebben?
Mint a hegyek és mint a füvek
Szivükben szép zöld tüzek égnek
Hogy az elfáradt bogarak mind hazatalálnak, ha esteledik
S te nyitott tenyérrel, térdig csobogó nyugalomban
Ott állsz az utjuk végén -
Meg nem zavarlak, én Uram,
Elnézel kis virágaink fölött.
(József Attila: Isten)*

Attila Jozsef: My Lord

My Lord, I have seen your mountains
And so small am I
I would love to be great, like you are
To sit on your doorstep, my Lord
There I would place my heart,
But how would you like my tiny heart?
in the throb of your immense mountains
his faint stuttering is lost
And under my bed the sorrow sleeps:
Why can I not do it much better?
Like the mountains and the grass
In their hearts, beautiful green flames burn
so as all the tired beetles find their way back home, at dusk
And with open palms, knee-deep in babbling tranquility
there you stand at the end of their road -
I dare not to interrupt you, my lord,
You pass by over our little flowers.

-Ray,I luv u and köszike :-)

2009. november 28., szombat

Bus In The Water! River Ride!

If you coming to my hometown, don't forget this!

Funny smile...

First in Europe!

Budapest – as you can only see it with us

Until now you could choose between touring our beautiful capital on four wheels or marvelling at the city from the deck of a pleasure boat. Now you don’t need to choose: RiverRide is a special sightseeing tour on which you can see the sights of Budapest from a comfortable seat, first along its busy streets, and then, from one second to the next – to the gasps of some of your fellow travellers – you splash into the lapping water of the river.

Budapest without the Danube would not be Budapest, and whoever tries it once will never forget the magic of admiring the view while being gently rocked on the rippling waves. But taking everything in from the deck of a luxury coach makes the experience even more special. After the watery adventure, climbing back to the rivershore, you’ll find yourself once again in the hustle and bustle of the metropolis.

Royal Palace, Chain Bridge, and the bus in the Danube River

Parliament, Danube River, and the bus


Official website:


Az európai kontinensen elsőként Budapesten!

Budapest - ahogy csak velünk láthatja

Eddig választhatott, hogy szép fővárosunkat négy keréken járja be, vagy inkább egy sétahajó fedélzetéről csodálja. Mostantól nem kell döntenie:
A RiverRide olyan különleges városnéző túra, amelyen egy kényelmes ülésből tekintheti meg Budapest nevezetességeit, előbb a nyüzsgő utcákon haladva, majd – egy-két utitárs halk sikolyától kísérve - egyik pillanatról a másikra a folyó habjai közé csobbanva. Budapest a Duna nélkül nem is lenne Budapest, és aki egyszer is próbálta, sosem felejti el, milyen kellemes ezüstös hullámain ringva gyönyörködni a város panorámájában. Ám egy luxusbusz fedélzetén utazva az élmény még különlegesebb. A vízi kaland után pedig, visszakapaszkodva a rakpartra, ismét a világvárosi forgatagban találjuk magunkat.


2009. november 27., péntek

Thai school offers transsexual toilet -BBC News

Thai school offers transsexual toilet

By Jonathan Head
BBC News, north-east Thailand

With its spacious, tree-lined grounds and slightly threadbare classrooms, there is nothing obviously unusual about the Kampang Secondary School.
It is situated in Thailand's impoverished north-east, and most of the pupils are the children of farmers.
Every morning at 08:00 they all gather outside to sing the national anthem and watch the flag being raised.
Then they have a chance to use the toilets, before heading off the first classes of the day.
Kampang is proud of its toilets. Spotless, and surrounded by flowering tropical plants, they have won national awards for cleanliness.
But there is something else about them too. Between the girls' toilet and the boys', there is one signposted with a half-man, half-woman figure in blue and red.

This is the transsexual toilet, and outside, in front of the mirrors, some decidedly girly-looking teenage boys preen their hair and apply face cream.

The headteacher, Sitisak Sumontha, estimates that in any year between 10% and 20% of his boys consider themselves to be transgender - boys who would rather be girls.

"They used to be teased every time they used the boys' toilets," he said, "so they started using the girls' toilets instead. But that made the girls feel uncomfortable. It made these boys unhappy, and started to affect their work."

So the school offered to build the transgender boys their own facility, and they welcomed it.

Triwate Phamanee is a slightly built 13-year-old who is adamant that he will one day change his gender.
"We're not boys," he told me, "so we don't want to use the boys' toilet - we want them to know we are transsexuals."

Vichai Saengsakul, 15, agrees.
"People need to know that being a transsexual is not a joke," he says, "it's the way we want to live our lives. That's why we're grateful for what the school has done."

What the third toilet looks like

Normal treatment

The transgender boys in Kampang tend to stick together as a group, practising their somewhat exaggerated feminine mannerisms together and generally camping it up.
They still have to wear male uniforms, make-up is not allowed (although some manage to sneak in a touch of lipstick and mascara), and of course sex-change surgery is out of the question at this age - the youngest self-declared transsexual is 12.
But they appear to be treated perfectly normally by other pupils and teachers alike.
I asked the headmaster whether they were not too young to be making decisions about their gender.

He said that, in his 35 years of working in the Thai education system, he had come across many boys like this, and they never changed. Many go on as adults to have sex-change surgery, while others will live as gay men, he said.
Thailand is well known for its tolerance of transgender men, and they are very visible in everyday life. Sex-change surgery has become a speciality of the Thai health industry, and it is relatively inexpensive; patients come here from all over the world for the operation.

'Sweet and soft'

The Kampang school's initiative, far from stirring up controversy, has instead prompted a discussion in other schools over whether they should be providing the same facilities.
A ratio of 10% to 20% of boys calling themselves transsexual in a provincial high school does seem very high, but Mr Sitisak assured me that in his experience it was not unusual.

Which brought up a question that has been rattling around my head ever since I first lived in Thailand seven years ago: Why do so many Thai men want to become women?
I asked Suttirat Simsiriwong, who became a campaigner for transgender rights after she was barred entry to a nightclub at an international hotel in Bangkok last year.
Poised, articulate and very feminine, it is hard to tell that she was not born a woman.
"Maybe the numbers of gays, of people with sexual identity issues, might be the same as in other countries," said Suttirat, "but because Thai society and culture tend to be very sweet, very soft, and the men can be really feminine, if we tend to be gay, many of us tend to be transgender."
So does building a special toilet in school advance the cause of winning wider acceptance for transsexuals?
"At that age it's good for them to have a specific place," she said.
"But when they graduate from school or university, they will know how to have medical treatment. They won't want to go into a transgender toilet because they will want to be accepted as a woman - so they will go to the women's toilet."
Discrimination remains
Tolerance, said Suttirat, is not the same thing as acceptance.
Despite their high profile in Thailand, transsexuals complain that they are still stereotyped - they can find work easily enough as entertainers, in the beauty industry, the media, or as prostitutes, but it is much harder to become a transgender lawyer or investment banker.
And their biggest complaint is that they cannot change their legal status.
Despite a proposal during the drafting of a new constitution last year, to allow them to change the gender on their identity cards, this has not yet been approved.

Jonathan Head
BBC News, north-east Thailand

All Days I'm In Love :-)

Friday I'm In Love ..... and all days too...... his name is..... ;-)
Pénteken szerelmes vagyok.... ;-)

2009. november 26., csütörtök


For Girls And Sweet Boys....I Very Like It!

2009. november 24., kedd

2009. november 21., szombat

Sorry, no better version. From deep of my heart

My little luv go to the big ocean.
Im worry and affraid...but im hope he is will happy.

2009. november 20., péntek

Lady GaGa! <3

Lady GaGa new album! From 23 Nov!

2009. november 19., csütörtök

EMO boy 18+

See this older post:
I think the same boy plays in both movies.


2009. november 18., szerda


The Hot (really hot) japanese bath

Really hot with him

This post dedicated to Ray, with luv

2009. november 17., kedd


Popeye and Little Mermaid

2009. november 13., péntek

Family album

My Monchichi, Nekko Chan, Kitty Cat & E.T.

2009. november 10., kedd

Little Bowl

New item in my Old Japanese Collection:

Satsuma, handpainted and signed, stoneware, early 1900's

2009. november 8., vasárnap

Peter Mate : I'm going to / Máté Péter : Elmegyek - english lyrics

Peter Mate: I'm going to

A small stream used to tumble, and just kept singing.
A cliff in the path, and thus the songs end.
So I becam aphasiac water level
When you left me.
Onto me not even the sunshines down
Only if you once returned.

I'm going to go, which way I go, I do not know.
I leave my home, not even the good friends i say goodbye.
I'm going to go, so I hunt out you wherever you go.
I do not know where you are, but i can feel you are waiting for me.

It was a Sunday, was Sunday, when they left.
I you do not, but the day was Sunday, has died.
To me it was the dead Sunday,
When you left me.
I no longer shines in the sun,
Only if you come again.


(Peter Mate ((1947-1984)) hungarian composer and singer composed more than 150 songs in his relatively short carrier. He won a lot of international festivals, from Russia to Canada.
He has a lots of other hits, at least 10 super hits.
Hungarian musiciants made a lot of hits for international stars. This song performed by Sylvie Vartan as Nicolas. And the band Omega who sold their hit song Gyongyhaju lany to Scorpions, who made a mem hit White Dove)

Attitude: This an sad song...and im sad now.


From t To T.

2009. november 6., péntek

2009. november 5., csütörtök


Michael Jackson This Is It

No words. See and cry.
I knew in the cinema: Good sent an angel to the earth, and gave him the Music. He was born here in 28 august 1958. And go return 25 Juni 2009. Her name was Michael Jackson.

My ticket (and my ex-bf)

SuperSize Poster (4.6 MB! ):

Movie Trailer (with hungarian subtitle):

2009. november 4., szerda

2009. november 3., kedd


See In The Menu Card:

BOY -L- 12 $
GIRL -L- 14$





2009. november 1., vasárnap


My favorite musical instrument
The name kalimba is a Bantu word which means "little music".

Kalimba, a kedvenc hangszerem. Dél-Afrikai eredetű, a neve Kis hangszer-t jelent (Bantu nyelven). Nagyon szép hangja van, zeneterápiához is kimondottan ajánlott. Lassan pengetve szép meditációs zenét lehet játszani rajta. Tervezem, hogy csinálok saját felvételt, és majd publikálom itt. Ha érdekel hogy Budapesten hol lehet kapni, írj. Sírnivalóan olcsó, 2200 Ft, kézi munka kókuszdióból.
My Kalimba / az én Kalimba-m :

Music video with real artist:

The King Of The Road


The King in my car! :-)

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